Serie de documentos de investigación

Bienvenidos a la Serie de Documentos de Investigación (Working Paper Series) del Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico. La Serie de Documentos de Investigación tiene como objetivo la diseminación de manuscritos de investigación, con un fuerte enfoque en estadísticas. La Serie consiste de trabajos en proceso, con el potencial para eventualmente ser publicados por revistas científicas revisadas por pares. Previos a su publicación en la Serie de Documentos de Investigación del Instituto, cada manuscrito fue presentado por su autor principal ante los peritos y técnicos del Instituto de Estadísticas, y las recomendaciones surgidas fueron incluidas en dicho manuscrito. Cabe señalar que las expresiones vertidas en la Serie de Documentos de Investigación son exclusivamente de sus respectivos autores, y no representan necesariamente las posturas u opiniones de los integrantes del Instituto ni de su Junta de Directores.

Cualquier persona puede solicitar que se consideren sus investigaciones para posible publicación en la Serie de Documentos de Investigación. Los interesados deben enviar el documento al Dr. Orville Disdier, Gerente Senior de Proyectos Estadísticos y Coordinador de la Serie, a

The Population Decline of Puerto Rico: An Application of Prospective Trends in Cohort-Component Projections

Alexis R. Santos Lozada
Alberto L. Velázquez Estrada

This paper examines the impact of prospective demographic trends in the population structure of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has experienced the first population decline in recorded history, which brings forth the question of the future of the population of the island and what are the policy implications of the transformations of the population. A Cohort‐Component Projections was used, incorporating rates of changes for fertility and mortality based in historical patterns. The net migration rates were calculated using the Residual Method or Vital Statistics Method, and three different scenarios were explored: (1) Full Migration, (2) Half Migration and (3) Zero Migration.


The Artifice of Caribbean Island's Overpopulation

Luis A. Avilés

Scientists and intellectuals, government officials, journalists, and the general media have asserted that almost every single Caribbean island is overpopulated. Most of these claims are based on the relatively high population density of these islands in comparison to the rest of the countries of the Americas. This article investigates if population density is an appropriate indicator of overpopulation in the specific context of the insular Caribbean. The main sources of empirical information used in this article are: (1) national and regional population densities; (2) the human development index produced by the United Nations Development Program; and (3) a population projection of a “standing room-only island.” The article concludes that assertions of Caribbean island overpopulation, based on high population density, are methodological and statistical artifices or mathematical miscalculations. These artifices are the result of poor methodological choices: (1) the selection of geographic methodological scales;


Modeling college graduation GPA: Do gender and high-school type really matter?

Horacio Matos-Díaz

This study models the graduation grade point average (GGPA) of 2,407 graduates of the University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón from 1995-96 to 2000-01. Empirical evidence shows that: (a) female and public school students obtain significantly higher GGPAs and exhibit advantages when compared to male and private school students, (b) the probability of accessing a determined boundary in the distribution of GGPAs is significantly and nonlinearly related to the admission policy, (c) GGPAs exhibit an uptrend that varies inversely and significantly with graduates’ quality, and (d) the probability of being in the lower bounds of the GGPAs distribution increases to the extent that graduates exceed graduation required time.
